Reflection sent after a visit to Friendly Forest, September 2011


A Friendly Forest that starts
with a happy swaggering walk
with a grin of Freedom Way

if you had wings you'd fly but yet

you stop

stare and listen

then delicately venture forward

scared to destroy
yet at the same time wanting to hold it all in your arms and not miss
a sight a taste a smell a feel
with every sense from your awakened body

paths opening their arms with a delicious decadent choice of the living earth
the gift from our Creator
more kind than comprehension

names that honour as well as direct:
Kings Loop
Thrum's run but you must walk
to see diversity

pond links drawing you to glimpses of blue, a different hue
than the sky

prayer place you cry before knowing why

more than feelings into your soul with a passion that's too grand to understand
connection deep and wide as the past
senses so aware your body is one with the air

morning fog lifts from bog

trunk light starts in the shade
your eyes travel up to the fireworks of
branches in the brilliant rising sun in the East

purple flowers bright in mid day hours

mushrooms and hairy fairy feathers of moss and patterns in leaves

reflections of water and mind

new birth of trees you watch where you tread
to being held by the elders that tower in heights
that have taken your amazed breath away

every inch is marvel - a gift of gold, blue and green
just a few of a the myriad shades of life

then the setting of life's light
coats your shoulders with gold epaulets
hands move down your arms
to hug you in late afternoon warmth
where you're still glowing from the forest feelings

evening draws dark
a reflection where you relive the day's senses
marvel in the pond light and nature designs in the moonlight

the morning's grin ends with the night's smile
and your happy soul so humbled yet gratefully full
of a day that will be forever.


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