May 6, 2005 to September 24, 2005


September 24, 2005  Fall images

Fall colours under way

Summer rains raise pond level

Shared ownership with VW Canada

Faithful Mighty too expensive to use for non-work trips

New home for Mini

Pond Ripples

September 5, 2005  Fall colours have started to come to the land but we have not yet had a killing frost to speed up the process.  I have been bringing in my firewood into winter storage.  With the high cost of all fuels my early decision to heat my home with deadfall wood from this forest is proving to be a very good one. 

I have been turning a few items in the shop and will feature them later.  I have completed my harvest of nature's medicines but still need to gather a few birch fungi for  use by a friend in his ceremonies.  I was also presented with a good supply of sweetgrass braids last evening, so I will have sufficient for my own use and to give as gifts to those who need them from time to time.  I will be trying to support Habitat for Humanity by working on a house construction blitz later this week.  I hope my body is up to the requirements.  I have not committed to a full days on task however.  My body is getting older and rebounds more slowly.

August 21, 2005  I am nearly finished with this unit.

This has been more work than anticipated, and material costs are also significantly higher than I had guessed at the outset.  I really like the final product however.  If the client decides against completeing the order, I would be pleased to keep it for  myself as a demonstration of my work.

I have also nearly finished my harvesting of wild plants for medicinal and prayer use. A collection of  Bee Balm from some unbroken grassland where I grew up  was completed yesterday and they are drying right now.

August 9, 2005 The Art sale is over.  I need to rethink participation from a cost-effectiveness perspective for future years.  The week after has been busy with medicine collections, anniversary trip to the Vision Quest site, and a visit to the Touchwood Hills Gallery tour.  I was able to select a Rigmor Clarke original  in exchange for wood pieces she had selected from my work.  I also now have a Tim Moore original by the same process.

This morning I took some photos before and during sunrise at FF, focussing on the pond and the platform.  I have placed one of these images on the Home Page.  I am also turning some smudge bowl holders.

July 24, 2005  After delays due to other commitments and tool breakdowns, I have been getting final things done for our art sale on July 30, 31 and Aug 1 at the yard of Myles Mac Donald.  Some things need to be finished and others just tagged and labelled.  Then there will be the packing, transport and setting up at the sale site.  Click here to see photos of some of these items

Summer is here and that also means an increase in the number of visitors to Friendly Forest.  Some are just drop-ins like the couple that just left here, others are friends of regular visitors.  All are welcome to share in the beauty that is this gift of earth to all of us.

My walking trails are in serious need

July 1, 2005   Canada Day photo of the Canada Violet

June 23, 2005  The Sacred Hoop Trail celebration has been completed as of 00:00 this morning.

June 12, 2005   Plans are progressing for the Celebration of the Sacred Hoop Trail at Friendly Forest.  Invitations have been sent and other preparations are well in hand.  If I have not spoken to you or mailed you an invitation, and you are planning to come, please let me know so I can plan my hospitality to include you.

I have undertaken construction of a Biedermeier Armoire. Most of the pieces have been cut and now need to be assembled and then the final product finished.  It will resemble, but not be a duplicate, of this piece



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